August 2017 New Releases | Part 2

| August 14, 2017

American Z LineFor those wanting to model Amtrak’s® Auto Train, AZL is excited to present the Autoracks in the Phase IV b livery! Four 4-packs are available.

ES44AC | NS Heritage | Conrail▼

  • 62411-2 NS Heritage | Conrail ES44AC 8098

NS Heritage | Conrail ES44AC 8098



Budd RDCs | B&M▼

  • 62207-3 B&M Budd RDC 6140
  • 62207-4 B&M Budd RDC 6151

Budd RDCs | B&M



Amtrak® Auto Train Autoracks▼

For those wanting to model Amtrak’s® Auto Train, AZL is excited to present the Autoracks in the Phase IV b livery! Four 4-packs are available.

Phase IVb | “AutoTrain”

  • 904100-1 Amtrak Auto Train Autorack AMTK 9220, 9215, 9255, 9229 Phase IVb | “AutoTrain”
  • 904100-2 Amtrak Auto Train Autorack AMTK 9242, 9237, 9270, 9264 Phase IVb | “AutoTrain”


Phase IVb | “Reservations”

  • 904100-3 Amtrak Auto Train Autorack AMTK 9216, 9238, 9257, 9267 Phase IVb | “Reservations”
  • 904100-4 Amtrak Auto Train Autorack AMTK 9222, 9231, 9245, 9248 Phase IVb | “Reservations”



August Release Part 2 | 2017

Zipped file. Full size images.

Rob Kluz Ztrack Magazine Ltd. Distributor American Z Line Dublin OH 43016 (614) 764-1703

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